Jacksmith Wiki

This page is a list of all of the volunteer jobs that need to be filled in on the Jacksmith Wiki. If you would like to apply, please ask the head member of the job.


Head Member:ViviannaCoffee

Positions Available: two

Job Description: Writes the weekly news, is responsible for writing in the Castle Plumpfeather Board, and various other roles

Royal Guard

Head Member:Deanna Newman

Positions Available: three

Job Description: Makes sure that all users are in line and do not break policies

Castle Overseers

Head Member:Brooke Gonzales

Positions Available: two

Job Description: Undertakes the requests made by the royal philosophers that involve templates, format, etc. Also work on fixing normal templates, categories, format.

Drill Instructors

Head Members: ViviannaCoffee and Brooke Gonzales

Positions Available: two

Job Description: Trains all new users how to use their respective rights

Social Media Team

Head Member: Sophia McLaren-Cobb

Positions Available: one

Job Description: Is responsible for all news and social media
