Jacksmith Wiki

All the weapons in the Iron ore

Every time a weapon is asked for, that weapon has to be crafted with metal ores. Ores determine the base Power and Durability stats for a weapon. Different ores are stronger than others.

Ores Strength[]

Here is the list of ores and their stats, from weakest to strongest:

  • Copper - 15 Power and 16 Durability
  • Bronze - 20 Power and 22 Durability
  • Iron - 25 Power and 28 Durability
  • Steel - 30 Power and 34 Durability
  • Gold - 35 Power and 40 Durability
  • Crystal - 40 Power and 46 Durability

Use of Ores in Epic Weapons[]

Epic Weapons also require ores. Epic Weapons for a specific ore boost certain stats. Here is a list of that:

  • Copper: Very few weapons are made, but used for a Fire boosting weapon and Luck boosting weapon
  • Bronze: Used for most Plant and Luck based weapons
  • Iron: Used for most Shadow and Durability based weapons. Some Iron weapons boost Power
  • Steel: Used for a variety of boosts
  • Gold: Used for most Fire based weapons.
  • Crystal: Used for a variety of boosts

