Jacksmith Wiki

Cluckshire Archers fighting on Day 2 - Lowlands

Day 2 in the Lowlands is the day where the player is introduced to Bows. A short day, with four trail enemies.

New Item[]

On Day 2, the player acquires the Simple Bow, the first and basic bow.

Possible Warriors[]

These are some of the possible warriors the player may see:

  • Combination 1: Cluckshire Archer x3
  • Combination 2: Cluckshire Archer x2, Swordsman
  • Combination 3: Cluckshire Archer, Swordsman x2


The following enemies are present on Day 2:

  • Terragoo
  • Trailsnapper x2
  • Screechling

Epic Weapon[]

The Charmblade is the Epic Weapon that is acquired by the player on Day 2.


The player is introduced to gold.

See also[]

  • Bows 101